It’s Your Time: You’re not the first, you won’t be the last but what you do now is up to you.
Life’s transitions are never easy. And while God doesn’t close one door without opening another, the work that is necessary to rebuild begins in the “hallway.” The hallway is the crawl space between “how did I get here” and “what do I do now”? It’s the place where you get “bare” and do the work that is necessary to create a new reality. In her high-energy, captivating talk, Tanea reveals her process of going from welfare to Wall Street to entrepreneur, back to Wall Street, and finally following her calling to speak and empower women all over the world. Your audience will leave with the five essential steps needed to pivot successfully.
The Power of The Pen: Journaling Your Way to Peace, Love, and Joy
At the age of 19, with her infant son asleep nearby, Tanea sat on her dark gray couch in her apartment and wrote this sentence over and over in her journal:
"This is not my reality."
Journaling is a powerful tool. It is useful not only for self analysis but for clarity, increasing self love, building inner strength, goal setting and finally, helping one to find their voice. Tanea helps you to develop a journaling practice that supports you on your journey to gaining your peace, filling your life with love and finding joy again.